Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nice People

We are people pleasers who subconsciously live for the smiles and gratuitous compliments we receive from each small and random act of kindness we commit. We alter our behaviors with the hope of impressing those who watch us closely (or those whom we want to watch us closely). We are wanderers and sometimes even floaters, lusting (and probably needing) for an exclusive, secluded place to claim as our very own. Simultaneously, we long for that one person--a being we'd like to label as our soulmate--to be able to share that place (at least for one moment in our lifetime) with us.

Prideful? Conceited? Whatever.
Here's the deal: I'm the NICEST person you'll ever meet.

Outiside: smiles and holds up a peace sign
Inside: yells out the eff word and holds up a peace sign without the index finger


Unknown said...

lol @ the index finger. i agree that with you that we are people pleasers, but we NEED that love in return too or else we run out =)

mark said...

Inside wants out?

Charlene Grace said...

I thought this was a pretty interesting perspective, and one that I can really relate to. It is important to please others, but nice people can't forget to love themselves as well.