Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My super-ego forbids it

this forbidden tango,
the uncoordinated

one step:

We loved each other.

second beat:

We almost kissed.

third turn:

you stepped on me.

fourth twist:

i truned aawy

fifth step:

i lsot my pcale

My super-ego forbids it,
my id says to LEAVE,
to find another twist-and-turner.
Someone who won't merely
"Carry you
in the


I want to dance.
I want to tango.

My ego says yes,
my heart says no.

It's paradoxical.

- - - - -

Just to clear up things... This poem isn't about love. It's about making an important decision... And if you caught this, I bolded the "t" in "tango" on purpose.


mark said...

Dance like you think nobody's watching.

NeZ said...

Ever hear that song, "Dancing" by Elisa? Lacey and Cameron danced to it on "So You Think You Can Dance" last season. Youtube it. Your poem reminds me of it. =)

Charmaine said...

No, I haven't heard the song, but I'll look it up. :)

Hmm... the thing Mark said sounds like a good tagline or shirt quote...