Wednesday, October 1, 2008

2nd to the back

1... 3... 5... 7...
Late. As always.
Late? More like early.
I'm in.
Second to the back,
With plugged-in earphones,
Nostalgia takes its toll.
I lean back and let my eyes close.

1... 3... 5... 7...
Late. As always.
Late? More like early.
She's in.
Damn. I thought it was you.
Second to the back,
In the midst of silent prayers,
Nostalgia takes its toll.
I lean back and the tears roll.

1... 3... 5... 7...
Late. As always.
Late? More like early.
We're out.
And I finish the lost routine.
Second to the back,
Respectfully on bended knees,
Nostalgia takes its toll.
I stand up and let it end.
More like begin... all over again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

for some reason this reminds me of when i would always be late to liwanag for the rosary, heh.

The repetition has a good effect.