Monday, September 22, 2008

Two Years Too Short

(currently listening to Save Him by Justin Nozuka. Sorry if this song sounds sad)

What happens now
Now that you're gone.
Am I just a dog
That's sitting alone?

I'm sad, you're mad
But don't you forget
The feeling of happiness
You seemed to forfeit.

What happened to
The time that we shared?
What happens now,
Now that we're scared?

This suffering, fainting, loving
All this and more.
Holding back tears
Of what's still in store.

The pain in my eyes
Reflects that of your soul.
The hope my heart
Is replaced with a hole.

So bow your head down
Sleep your eyes shut
Know in your mind
That we've had enough.
But don't forget one thing,
You need to keep it close:
There's people still here
That love you the most.

Why did it stop
The long nights of fun?
We stayed up to sunrise
To get some things done.

This is for Arnold
The "Turbal" is Time.
The songs from past
Do not have to rhyme.

Because you're there
And meee too.
We stuck it together
A feeling like glue,
But I was glad
That I was stuck to you.

So bow your head down
Sleep your eyes shut
Know in your mind
That we've had enough.
But don't forget one thing,
You need to keep it close:
There's people still here
That love you the most.

What made it part?
What made it end?
The happiest place on earth
Stole my friend.

The rides, the talks,
The driving around.
The things that we did,
You brought me to sound.

My life is influenced
By you forevermore.
Even the clothes that I wear
I buy from your store.

Please realize,
This is not the finish.
Only if we all GIVE UP,
Our lives will diminish.

So bow your head down
Sleep your eyes shut
Know in your mind
That we've had enough.
But don't forget one thing,
You need to keep it close:
There's people still here
That love you the most.

1 comment:

Charmaine said...

Are these lyrics or a poem? Hm, I guess in some cases the two can be interchangeable. But anyway, I'm curious to know whether or not this piece was inspired by the song or by your own experiences? Either way, what I liked most is that this poem had a consistent theme throughout the whole piece. And the repeating verse didn't seem forced or corny.

I like how you can rhyme light-heartedly, but seriously as well.

I'm also wondering... is this song about the narrator breaking up with this anonymous person or the other way around? In the beginning it sounds like the narrator was the one who was broken up with, but as the poem goes on it seems like the "partner" did the breaking up. Unless the narrator wants to think of the whole situation in a positive light.